共 6 条词语
安土重迁在家乡住惯了很不愿意搬迁。英be attached to one's native land and unwilling to leave it; hate to leave one’s native land;[查看详情]
安营扎寨原指军队在新的驻地修筑营地工事。现泛指部队或团体在一个地方驻扎或安顿下来。英pitch a camp;[查看详情]
安家落户在一个新地方安家定居。有时也指到基层长期居住。例他希望在农村安家落户。英settle down; make one's home in a place;[查看详情]
深居简出平时总是呆在家里很少外出。谓避世而独处。例自摈弃以来尤自刻励,深居简出,几不与世人相通。——宋秦观《谢王学士书》英live in the seclusion of one's own home and seldom come out; live a secluded life with few social contacts;[查看详情]
按兵不动指挥官止住军队暂不行动,等待战机。英not throw the troops into battle; take no action; be kept imobilized; bide one's time;比喻接受任务后暂不执行以观望形势的发展。英bide one's time;[查看详情]