
共 3 条词语

  • 上行下效

    shàng xíng xià xiào

    上行下效指上面的人怎样做下面的人就跟着怎么做。多用于贬义。英follow the example set by the superior; the inferiors imitate the superiors;[查看详情]

  • 表里如一

    biăo lǐ rú yī

    表里如一表面和内心一个样。形容思想和言行完全一致。例行之以忠者是事要着实,故某集注云:“以忠则表里如一。”——宋朱熹《朱子全书》英act and think in one and the same way;[查看详情]

  • 襟怀坦白

    jīn huái tăn bái

    襟怀坦白襟怀:胸怀。坦白开朗,没有隐瞒形容胸怀坦荡心中无隐悔之事。英openhearted and above board; be magnanimous and unselfish have largeness of mind;[查看详情]