
共 6 条词语

  • 杜渐防微

    dù jiàn fáng wēi

    杜渐防微见“防微杜渐”英be precautious beforehand; guard against creepint corruption or malpractice;[查看详情]

  • 杜渐防萌

    dù jiàn fáng méng

    杜渐防萌渐:指事物发展的开端。萌:萌芽。杜绝渐生的变故而防患于未然。例复制孝经广陈德行,杜渐防萌,预所有抑。——《三国志秦宓传》英nip (crush,check) the matter in the bud; desteroy evils before they become apparent;[查看详情]

  • 防萌杜渐

    fáng méng dù jiàn


  • 防微杜渐

    fáng wēi dù jiàn

    防微杜渐当坏事、坏思想、坏作风刚刚冒头的时候就加以制止不让它发展下去。英arrest what seems to be the begining of an unwholesome trend; check erronrous ideas at the outset;[查看详情]

  • 斩尽杀绝

    zhăn jìn shā jué


  • 斩草除根

    zhăn căo chú gēn

    斩草除根比喻铲除祸根以免留下后患。英cut the weeds and dig up the roots—destroy root and branch;[查看详情]