
共 5 条词语

  • 画饼充饥

    huà bǐng chōng jī

    画饼充饥画个饼子来解饿。本比喻徒有虚名而于实际无好处。后多用来比喻以空想来安慰自己。例虽然不曾定个来期也当画饼充饥,望梅止渴。——明冯梦龙《警世通言》英appease one's hunger with depicted cake; draw cakes to allay hunger—feed on illusions;[查看详情]

  • 螳臂当车

    táng bì dāng chē

    螳臂当车螳螂奋举腿臂以阻挡车轮。比喻自不量力招致失败。英overrate oneself as a mantis trying to stop a chariot; kick against the pricks; throw straws against the wind;[查看详情]

  • 无济于事

    wú jì yú shì

    无济于事对解决问题毫无济助。例以为无济于事也。——《广东军务记》到了这日只有一个把兄弟,寄来五百两银子也无济于事。——《官场现形记》英of no avail; will not mend matters; to no effect;[查看详情]

  • 一事无成

    yī shì wú chéng

    一事无成什么事情也没有做成。指无所建树毫无成就。英accomplied nothing;[查看详情]

  • 杯水车薪

    bēi shuǐ chē xīn

    杯水车薪用一杯水去扑灭一车燃烧的柴草。比喻力量太小无济于事。例犹以一杯水,救一车薪之火也。——《孟子告子上》英a cup of water can't put out the fire on a carload of wood; try to put out a burning cartload of faggots with a cup of water—an utterly inadequa[查看详情]