
共 5 条词语

  • 兵连祸结

    bīng lián huò jié


  • 兵荒马乱

    bīng huāng mă luàn

    兵荒马乱形容战时社会动荡不安的景象。英confusion and disorder brought about by war;[查看详情]

  • 狼烟四起

    láng yān sì qǐ

    狼烟四起狼烟:焚烧狼粪升起的烟雾。四处有报警的烟火指边疆不平静、战事不断。例这火筒节节生枝能吹得狼烟四起,实是放他不得。——清钱彩《说岳全传》英be enveloped in the flames of war; with alarms raised at all border posts;[查看详情]

  • 家破人亡

    jiā pò rén wáng

    家破人亡家庭破落衰败家人亡故离散。形容家庭遭到劫难或横祸。英family ruined; be destitute and homeless; be ruined and dead; with one's family broken up and decimated; with the family extinguished and its members perished;[查看详情]

  • 多事之秋

    duō shì zhī qiū

    多事之秋变故多的时期。英eventful period; period of turbulence;[查看详情]