
共 10 条词语

  • 旰食宵衣

    gàn shí xiāo yī


  • 不辞劳苦

    bù cí láo kǔ

    不辞劳苦虽然劳累辛苦也不推辞。多形容工作勤奋。英make nothing of hardships;[查看详情]

  • 艰苦创业

    jiān kǔ chuàng yè


  • 壮志凌云

    zhuàng zhì líng yún

    壮志凌云形容志向宏大高入云霄。英with soaring aspirations;[查看详情]

  • 摩顶放踵

    mó dǐng fàng zhǒng

    摩顶放踵摩秃了头顶走破了脚跟。形容不辞辛劳舍己为人。英dedicate oneself completely to the welfare of mankind; wear oneself out from head to foot to help others;[查看详情]

  • 事必躬亲

    shì bì gōng qīn

    事必躬亲凡事都亲自去做。英see to everything oneself; take care of every single thing personally;[查看详情]

  • 孳孳不倦

    zī zī bù juàn


  • 夙兴夜寐

    sù xīng yè mèi

    夙兴夜寐起得早而睡得晚,形容勤奋劳作。例可怜数载宫闱克勤节俭,夙兴夜寐,何敢轻为妄作,有忝姆训。——《封神演义》英rise early in the morning and late;[查看详情]

  • 艰苦卓绝

    jiān kǔ zhuó jué

    艰苦卓绝形容十分艰苦极不平凡。例艰苦卓绝的斗争。英showing the utmost fortitude; be extremely hard and bitter; be most ardnous amid untold difficulties; with surpassing bravery;[查看详情]

  • 克勤克俭

    kè qín kè jiăn
