
共 3 条词语

  • 集思广益

    jí sī guăng yì

    集思广益集合思路和意见可以收到更广大的效益。英pool the wisdom of the masses; be benefitted by mutual discussion; draw upon all useful opinions; make use of opinions and add to the welfare;[查看详情]

  • 瞻前顾后

    zhān qián gù hòu

    瞻前顾后看看前面再看看后面,指办事考虑细致周密也指顾虑太多,犹豫不定。英look ahead and behind—be overcautious and indecisive;[查看详情]

  • 举棋不定

    jǔ qí bù dìng

    举棋不定手举棋子断定不了往哪儿走。比喻遇事无主见决断能力差。英hesitate about(or over)what move to make;[查看详情]