
共 3 条词语

  • 安居乐业

    ān jū lè yè

    安居乐业居住安定乐于从事自己的职业。英dwell under one's vine and fig tree; live and work in peace and contentment;[查看详情]

  • 太平盛世

    tài píng shèng shì

    太平盛世社会秩序平定、国家兴旺发达的时代。例余谓太平盛世元夕张灯,不为过侈。——明沈德符《章枫山封事》英piping times of peace; times of peace and prosperity;[查看详情]

  • 家给人足

    jiā jǐ rén zú

    家给人足家家丰衣足食。英homes have adequate supplies and people live in contentment; all live in plenty; be well-to-do; with ample of support; with each family for and every person well-fed and well-elothed;[查看详情]