共 7 条词语
立锥之地形容极小的立足地。例贫无立锥之地。英standing room; a tiny bit of land; land enough which to stick an awl;[查看详情]
小本经营小买卖。英business with a small capital; do business in a small way;[查看详情]
不名一文没有一文钱极其贫困。例他生活困难到了不名一文的地步。英without a rap; not a cent to one's name;[查看详情]
不名一钱形容极其贫穷一个钱也没有。名:占有。例竟不名一钱寄死人家。——《史记》英without a rap; not a cent to one's name;[查看详情]
一贫如洗穷得家里像被水洗过似的。形容一无所有。英as poor as church mouse; dirt-poor; penniless;[查看详情]
家徒四壁家中极端贫困空无所有,徒有四堵墙壁树立。英utterly destitute; be empty of all furniture; be extremely poor with only the walls of the household standing; with nothing is one's house but bare walls;[查看详情]