
共 5 条词语

  • 大手大脚

    dà shǒu dà jiăo

    大手大脚形容对钱、物的使用不知节制。英extravagant; be wasteful; spend with a free hand;[查看详情]

  • 立吃地陷

    lì chī dì xiàn


  • 锦衣玉食

    jǐn yī yù shí

    锦衣玉食华美的衣服珍异的食品。形容豪奢的生活。英live an extravagant life;[查看详情]

  • 挥金如土

    huī jīn rú tǔ

    挥金如土挥霍钱财像撒泥土一样。形容极端奢侈浪费。例两个拆家精挥金如土,不务正业。英squander money like dust;[查看详情]

  • 一掷千金

    yī zhì qiān jīn

    一掷千金原指赌博时下赌注极大。后指任意挥霍钱财。英lay a wager of thousand taels of gold at one throw of the dice; gamble at high stake;[查看详情]