
共 4 条词语

  • 井井有条

    jǐng jǐng yǒu tiáo


  • 顺理成章

    shùn lǐ chéng zhāng

    顺理成章形容写文章、做事情顺着条理就能做好。也比喻随着某种情况的发展而当然产生的结果。例文者顺理而成章之谓。——宋朱熹《朱子全书论语》英to write well, you must follow a logical train of thought;[查看详情]

  • 出口成章

    chū kǒu chéng zhāng

    出口成章说话像做文章那样有板有眼形容口才好水平高或文思敏捷。英words flow from the mouth as from the pen of a master;[查看详情]

  • 头头是道

    tóu tóu shì dào

    头头是道形容说的话句句有道理办的事件件很顺畅。英eloquent; appear impressive; be closely reasoned and well argued; be clear and logical;[查看详情]