
共 7 条词语

  • 眼高手低

    yăn gāo shǒu dī

    眼高手低心目中的标准很高而实际的能力很低无法实现。英be fastidious but incomperent; have great ambition but little talent; have grandiose aims but puny abilities;[查看详情]

  • 力不从心

    lì bù cóng xīn

    力不从心心里想做但能力达不到。例今使者大兵未能得出如诸国力不从心,东西南北自在也。——《后汉书西域传》英ability falling short of one's wishes; ability not equal to one's ambition; lack the ability to do what one would like to do; the spirit indeed is will[查看详情]

  • 不自量力

    bù zì liàng lì


  • 自不量力

    zì bù liàng lì

    自不量力量:衡量估计。不衡量自己的能力。形容对自己估计太高多指做力不能及的事。英overestimate one’s strength or oneself;[查看详情]

  • 螳臂当车

    táng bì dāng chē

    螳臂当车螳螂奋举腿臂以阻挡车轮。比喻自不量力招致失败。英overrate oneself as a mantis trying to stop a chariot; kick against the pricks; throw straws against the wind;[查看详情]

  • 逞强好胜

    chéng qiáng hào shèng


  • 蚍蜉撼树

    pí fú hàn shù
