共 7 条词语
背恩忘义辜负别人对自己的恩义。例背恩忘义伤化薄俗。——《汉书张敞传》英fail to live up to one's benevolence and loyalty(relationship);[查看详情]
忘恩负义忘却别人对自己的好处做事有损于过去的恩义。例如此忘恩负义以致弄到牺牲盟国去订“密约”的地步。英forgetful; turn on one's friend; kick away the ladder; be devoid of all gratitude;[查看详情]
数典忘祖据《左传》记载春秋时晋国大夫籍谈没有回答好周天子的提问而被周天子讽刺为“数典而忘其祖”。后比喻忘掉自己本来的情况或事物的本源。英give all the historical facts except those about one's own ancestors; forget one's ancestors and ancestral tradition;[查看详情]
恩将仇报用仇恨来回报受到的恩惠指忘恩负义。例要罗织月娘出官恩将仇报。——《金瓶梅》英bite the hand that feeds one; requite kindness with enmity;[查看详情]
过河拆桥比喻事情成功之后便不再顾念藉以成事的人。例这小子忘恩负义,过河拆桥。英remove the bridge after crossing the river——ungrateful;[查看详情]
得鱼忘筌筌是用来捕鱼的器具。得到了鱼就忘掉筌。比喻达到目的以后就忘了赖以成功的东西。例筌者所以在鱼得鱼而忘筌。——《庄子外物》英forget the means by which the end is attained; forget the trap as soon as the fish is caught;[查看详情]