
共 3 条近义词

  • 今非昔比

    jīn fēi xī bǐ

    今非昔比如今不如往惜或现今好于往惜。形容变化之大无法比拟。英the present cannot compare with the past;[查看详情]

  • 饱经沧桑

    băo jīng cāng sāng

    饱经沧桑经历的世事变化多阅历丰富。例饱经沧桑的一生。英having experienced great changes in the world;[查看详情]

  • 沧海桑田

    cāng hăi sāng tián

    沧海桑田大海变成了种桑树的田地种桑树的田地变成了大海。比喻世事多变人生无常;或喻世事变化的巨大迅速——略称沧桑。例山河改转,沧海桑田。英the swift changes of the world; great changes are seen in the course of time; the evanescence of the worldly affairs is[查看详情]