
共 4 条近义词

  • 仿古

    făng gǔ

    仿古摹拟古人的作品。多指古器物或艺术品。英pseudoclassicism; modelled after an antique; be in the style of the ancients;[查看详情]

  • 因循

    yīn xún

    因循沿袭按老办法做事。例因循守旧。英follow; continue in the same old rut;迟延拖拉。例因循坐误。英procrastinate;轻率;随便。例苟或因循何由体悟。——《五灯会元》英indiscreet;[查看详情]

  • 复旧

    fù jiù

    复旧恢复旧的制度、习俗、观念等;恢复原来的样子。例后岁余成子精神复旧。——《聊斋志异促织》英restoration of old ways; return to the past;[查看详情]

  • 落选

    luò xuăn

    落选选举中被淘汰。英fail to be chosen (or elected); lose an election;[查看详情]