共 3 条近义词
老骥伏枥三国魏曹操《步出夏门行》:“老骥伏枥志在千里。烈士暮年壮心不已。”(烈士:有志功业的人)比喻年已老但雄心壮志不减当年。英able men tied down to a routine post; ambition survives even in old age like the old steed in the stable that still wants to gall[查看详情]
宝刀不老指所用宝刀还不旧比喻人年老而精力未衰。例孟劳者鲁之宝刀也。——《谷梁传》张郃出马,见了黄忠笑曰:“你许大年纪犹不识羞,尚欲出阵耶?”忠怒曰:“竖子欺吾年老!吾手中宝刀却不老!”——《三国演义》英a good sword never get dull;[查看详情]
老当益壮主要指老年人继续保持旺盛的斗志。例丈夫为志穷当益坚,老当益壮。——《后汉书马援传》英hale and hearty in old age; be old but vigorous;年纪虽老仍健康和充满活力。例老当益壮不甘落后。英florid old; be old in age but buoyant in spirit; there's many a goo[查看详情]