
共 5 条近义词

  • 唇揭齿寒

    chún jiē chǐ hán


  • 唇亡齿寒

    chún wáng chǐ hán

    唇亡齿寒唇没有了牙齿就寒冷。比喻双方休戚相关荣辱与共。英mutual dependency of neighboring countries when confronted with a powerful and aggressive enemy; share a common lot;[查看详情]

  • 休戚相关

    xiū qī xiāng guān

    休戚相关彼此间的忧喜祸福互相关联。形容彼此关系十分密切。例睠此设心无非体国然用舍之际,休戚相关。——宋陈亮《送陈给事去国启》英solidarity; be bound by a common cause;[查看详情]

  • 唇齿相依

    chún chǐ xiāng yī

    唇齿相依嘴唇和牙齿互相依靠。比喻互相依存关系密切。例王师屡征而未有所克者盖以吴、蜀唇齿相依,凭阻山水,有难拔之势故也。——《三国志魏书鲍勋传》英be closely related and mutually dependent like the lips and teeth;[查看详情]

  • 鸡飞蛋打

    jī fēi dàn dă

    鸡飞蛋打比喻什么也没得到落个两头都落空。赔了夫人又折兵。多指做事考虑不周造成坏的结果。英all is lost as the hen has flown away and the eggs in the coop are broken; come out emptyhanded;[查看详情]