共 3 条近义词
wú suǒ shì shì
无所事事游手好闲不肯效力,不求上进。英be occupied with nothing; be at loose ends; idle away one's time; have nothing to do;[查看详情]
xún huān zuò lè
寻欢作乐追求享乐放纵的生活。例不务正业整天醉生梦死,寻欢作乐。英go to town; gather life's roses; paint the lover red;[查看详情]
yóu shǒu hào xián
游手好闲游荡懒散不好劳动。例小街上的一群年青人成天游手好闲。英live by being idle; loaf around; eat the bread of idleness;[查看详情]