共 5 条近义词
众目昭彰公众的眼睛是雪亮的一举一动有目共睹。英the masses are sharp-eyed;[查看详情]
引人注目由于与众不同或明显的特性而引起人的注意。例引人注目的入口处。英noticeable; conspicuous; strike the eye; spectecular;[查看详情]
众目睽睽众人的眼睛都注视着。例宽敞而毫无遮拦的办公桌前每个人都在众目睽睽下不停地工作着。英the eyes of the masses are fixed on sb. or sth.;[查看详情]
显而易见指事情或道理得明显很容易看出来。形容一下子就能看清楚。例莫若质请天物之显而易见且可以为戒也。——宋王安石《洪范传》英obviously; evidently; clearly; as clear and plain as the nose on one's face; it goes without saying;[查看详情]
一目了然一眼就看得很清楚。英as clear as day; see with half an eye;[查看详情]