
共 3 条近义词

  • 前因后果

    qián yīn hòu guǒ

    前因后果指事情的起因与后果。例今树以前因报以后果。——《南齐书高逸传论》英antecedents and consequences;事情发展的全过程。例须得先叫他明白了前因后果才免得怨天尤人。——清文康《儿女英雄传》英the entire process;[查看详情]

  • 来龙去脉

    lái lóng qù mài

    来龙去脉原是过去风水先生的说法认为山势如龙从头到尾都有血脉连贯。现在常用来比喻事物的来历或事情的前因后果。例文件的来龙去脉。英pedigree; origin and course of development; cause and effect; ins and outs; sequence of actions; ways and wherefores; whence and[查看详情]

  • 一脉相承

    yī mài xiāng chéng

    一脉相承从同一血统、派别世代相承流传下来指某种思想、行为或学说之间有继承关系。英can be traced to the same origin; come down in one;[查看详情]