共 8 条近义词
颠倒黑白把黑的说成白的,把白的说成黑的。比喻故意违背事实颠倒是非。例公事大小一概不问任着幕宾胥吏颠倒黑白。——清彭养鸥《墨籍冤魂》英call black white and white black; reversal of black and white confound black and white; stand facts on their heads;[查看详情]
颠倒是非把是说成非,把非说成是。例古圣人言其旨微密,笺注纷罗颠倒是非。——唐韩愈《施先生墓铭》英turn things upside down; confuse (reverse) right and wrong; turn right into wrong; distord facts;[查看详情]
倒打一耙《西游记》故事:猪八戒以钉耙为武器常用回身倒打一耙的绝技战胜对手。现在多用来比喻自己干了坏事不承认反而对检举人反咬一口;或者是不接受别人的批评反而指责批评的人。英recriminate; make false countercharges; put the blame on the victim;[查看详情]
指鹿为马比喻故意颠倒黑白、混淆是非。英call a stag a horse—deliberately misrepresent;[查看详情]
良莠不齐莠:狗尾草比喻品质坏的人。比喻好人坏人混在一起。例无如众生愚贤不等也就如五谷良莠不齐。——清文康《儿女英雄传》英grain or chaff; the good and the bad are intermingled; sheep and goats; there are bad as well as good people in the group; there are we[查看详情]
混淆视听故意以假象或谎言迷惑人使人辨不清真相,引起思想混乱。英mislead the public;[查看详情]
反咬一口原指没有抓住兽类反而被它咬了一口。比喻遭到指责的人强词夺理反过来攻击指责他的人。英trump up a countercharge against one’s accuser; make a false countercharge;[查看详情]