
共 5 条近义词

  • 应接不暇

    yìng jiē bù xiá

    应接不暇原形容景物繁多目不暇接。后多形容来人太多或事务繁杂接待应付不过来。例仰观山俯听泉,旁睨竹树云石,自辰及酉,应接不暇。——唐白居易《庐山草堂记》英have one's hand full all the time;[查看详情]

  • 目不给视

    mù bù jǐ shì


  • 美不胜收

    měi bù shèng shōu

    美不胜收美景多得看不过来;艺术品太美而目不睱接。英so many beautiful things that one simply can't take them all in; be too beautiful to be absorbed all at once;[查看详情]

  • 眼花缭乱

    yăn huā liáo luàn

    眼花缭乱形容眼前的景象复杂纷繁使人感到迷乱。英be bazzled;[查看详情]

  • 雾里看花

    wù lǐ kàn huā

    雾里看花旧指人老了眼睛昏花现在多比喻对事情看得不清楚。英have a blurred vision; admire the flowers while it is foggy;[查看详情]