共 4 条近义词
如狼似虎形容勇猛。也形容凶暴、残忍。例两旁走过几个如狼似虎的公人把那童生叉着膊子一路跟头叉到大门外。——清吴敬梓《儒林外史》英as ferocious as wolves and tigers; like cruel beasts of prey;[查看详情]
丧心病狂丧失理智像发了疯一样,形容言行荒谬或残忍到了极点。例日本鬼子没有打伤他而他伤在这些丧心病狂的反共顽军的手里了。——知侠《铁道游击队》英frenzied; be perverse; as mad as March hare; be seized with crazy ideas; have cracked brains;[查看详情]
丧尽天良天良:良心。形容恶毒到了极点。英utterly devoid of conscience; be entirely heartless;[查看详情]
无恶不作什么坏事都干。英stop at nothing in doing evil; do not shrink from any crimes; stop at no evil;[查看详情]