共 6 条近义词
运筹帷幄称在后方决定作战策略也泛指策划机要的事。例后果然运筹帷幄之中决胜千里之外。——《西游记》英devise strategies within a command tent;[查看详情]
老谋深算精明干练考虑问题周密。例这人绰号“老狐狸”老谋深算,诡计多端,很难对付。英be circumspect and farseeing; be experienced and astute; be scheming and calculating; make every move only after mature deliberation;[查看详情]
诡计多端欺诈的计谋层出不穷。例他诡计多端处理一切事情令人难以捉摸往往让人上当。英tricky; be full of craft and cunning; be very wily and mischivous;[查看详情]
大智若愚指有大智慧的人因超出常人不被理解其言语行为被人看作是愚钝的。例大勇若怯大智若愚。——宋苏轼《贺欧阳少师致仕启》英a man of great wisdom often appears slow-witted;[查看详情]
神机妙算指特别高明的智谋和极为准确的预见。例诸葛亮神机妙算。英wonderful foresight (in military operations); ability to devine the unknown;[查看详情]