共 9 条近义词
大破大立大举击毁旧物大力建立新事物。英eradicate and foster with the utmost vigour; utterly destroy and vigourously establish the supremacy of;[查看详情]
不破不立谓旧的不破除新的就不能建立起来。例不破不立不塞不流,不止不行它们之间的斗争是生死斗争。英without destruction there can be no construction;[查看详情]
与民更始指政治革新旧指帝王即位与民众共同开创新局面。例其赦天下与民更始。——《汉书武帝纪》英make a fresh start together with the whole nation; give the people a new deal;[查看详情]
兴利除弊兴办有利的一面除去弊端。例举先王之政以兴利除弊,不为生事。——宋王安石《答司马谏议书》英promote what is beneficial and abolish what is harmful;[查看详情]
推陈出新新谷登场时推去仓中陈米,换储新米。借指事物的除旧更新。英put forth new ideas; weed through the old to bring for the new;[查看详情]
送旧迎新谓送走旧的迎接新的。例送旧迎新也辛苦一番辛苦两年闲。——宋杨万里《宿城外张氏庄早起入城》英see off the old and welcome the new; ring out the Old Year and ring in the New;[查看详情]