
共 3 条近义词

  • 勇往直前

    yǒng wăng zhí qián

    勇往直前毫无畏惧地一直向前。例从俱摩拳擦掌个个勇往直前。——《封神演义》英strike bravely forward; go ahead boldly; advance courageously;[查看详情]

  • 斗志昂扬

    dòu zhì áng yáng

    斗志昂扬战斗的情绪高昂。英have high morale; with high morale and strong fighting will;[查看详情]

  • 乘风破浪

    chéng fēng pò làng

    乘风破浪顺势乘长风踏破万里浪。形容办事一帆风顺发展迅猛也比喻志趣远大勇往直前。例乘风破浪会有时直挂云帆济苍海。——李白《行路难》英brave the wind and the waves; have a high ambition as riding the waves;[查看详情]